. . .the very nature of Joy makes nonsense of our common distinction between having and wanting. -c.s. ‘Jack’ lewis
Top ten books written by c.s. lewis. I will label the non-fiction.
1. Till We Have Faces
2. The Great Divorce
3. A Grief Observed NF ; amazing, AMAZING perspective on death and life in Christ, it changed the way I look at both
4. The Pilgrim's Regress
5. Mere Christianity NF ; this book (along with the Holy Spirit, of course) brought me out of absolute rebellion and back to Christ
6. The World's Last Night and other essays; I especially love Religion and Rocketry, mainly NF
7. Surprised by Joy: The Shape of My Early Life NF
8. The Dark Tower and other stories; every story in this collection is astoundingly great, in my humble opinion
9. That Hideous Strength; though this is the 3rd book in the space trilogy it is by far, the best
10. The Screwtape Letters including Screwtape Proposes a Toast
I must admit that I have a couple NF that I have started and never finished including: Miracles, the Four Loves and the Problem of Pain. When I finally finish those I may need to switch the list up a bit. Also, following my rules I did not include any of the Narnia books which I ADORE!!
Great list, my personal fav is Screwtape Letters then the Great Divorce.