Wow, it has been a bit since I wrote a post. I guess that is just how it is sometimes but especially when you have a new precious one in the house. I feel I need an update to my post of January where I said I would be finishing some projects. So far, I have not been able to live up to my own expectations as my newest precious addition is quite a bit different than his brother. I am not sure why I expected anything different than a
different little someone. Of course, he is sweeter than honey but he is also
VERY BUSY. He came out of the womb screaming

unlike his big brother who entered so quietly I was afraid something was wrong (if you know my eldest you know he is anything but quiet now). He was already rolling over from belly to back at six weeks. He is not a big fan of sleeping, EVER. Cat naps are what he thrives on (or doesn't really). He wants to be up and moving and standing but he is also a big cuddlebug and he is wary of other people outside of the family which is
nothing like his big brother (that kid would go to anybody who wanted to hold him). He is pretty attached to me even more so. It's funny how I wanted a cuddly baby after big J and now I got one who wants cuddles so much I am unable to get a lot done. I LOVE IT!

Of course that brings me to my goal from January of finishing my projects. I have actually done A LOT of sewing in this time but it has all been for baby J or friends and I have yet to complete one of my other projects. I
am currently working on big J's quilt and a quilt for my sister for her friend
AND I have completed several projects just none of the ones I listed. Oh, well I know I will get there and besides I have roughly seven months to go, right?! Incidentally aren't these the two cutest faces ever?
I think so!